Monday, January 19, 2009

The Catch-Up Thing


1- I over-use the all-caps feature!

2- The Nintendo Wii is a fine, fine game system if you have any grudges against your rotator cuff. Failure to use your strap will result in dents in the drywall. Oopsie.

3- My mother and stepfather are LOOPY NUTS about the HBO Series THE WIRE, which My Lovely Wife™ and I bought them for Christmas. YOU should be too.

4- I was sick as a dog over the holidays. Hence: no blogging. In addition, nothing funny happened to me for a while. Unless you could being sick as a dog as "funny". If so, fuck you. During my illness, I overdosed on codeine and booze, and I had the most trippy experience I have ever had in my adult life. I was loopy on narcotics in the guest room of my father and stepmother (see, Ginny? I describe it like that now)'s house. Ever trip balls in your parents home? Legally? Crikey!

5- We got our log-in date! As of November 17, 2006 My Lovely Wife™ and I are logged into The People's Republic Of China's adoption database. What does that mean? It means we wait. We wait and wait and wait, and hopefully we get a letter someday that says "Come get this to-go order. Twenty minute. No checks. You want soy sauce?"

6- Thanks to the magic of my mate Mike (alliteration! swish!), a short cartoon that I lent my voice to will be featured on IFC. Want more info? So do I. Details are a-comin'.

7- We now have a built-in "cat box box" in our garage. This means that we have a large wooden box sticking out of out garage wall and there is a pet door in our laundry room. Our little bastards go through a pet door into the box and use the litter boxes in there. What does this mean to us? No more cat litter all over the laundry room! And no more smells! And no more split ends! What does this mean to you? Nothing. Let's move on.

8- If you have been living in Nashville and NOT attending the Belcourt's midnight movie series, you have missed out on a BOUNTY of movies that you can otherwise only see if you have basic cable! Last weekend I enjoyed a 35mm print of THE KARATE KID in glorious screen-o-vision! And two weeks before that? BACK TO THE FUTURE. GREAT SCOTT!

9- Speaking of cinema- a lot of folks have asked me what my pick has been for the Best Movie Of 2008. And by "a lot of folks" I mean "one". And by "one" I mean "nobody". Regardless, I'd like to announce that my official choice for the best movie of 2008 is the Swedish thriller LET THE RIGHT ONE IN. An incredibly well-told story about a lonely 12 year-old boy who is on the verge of snapping and lashing out at his bullies, and a strange 12 year-old named Eli who comes into his life when they both need a friend. It's moody, grotesque, deep, cathartic and mesmerizing. Good news for the morons in the world, the film has already been bought up and is in the process of being adapted for American audiences by the guys who brought you CLOVERFIELD and LOST. Here's an idea- see this movie before they fuck it up.

10- I have nothing for #10

11- Have I mentioned how sore my shoulder is? Damn Wii. Damn Wii Sports. Damn drywall.

12- Here's a photo of two ladybugs humping. JEALOUS?

13- SPEAKING of hot sex-on-film action... well, not really... here is a photo that I posted on Flickr. It's of My Lovely Wife. She is playing with the cats and looking, well... in MY opinion, she's looking just plain adorable. And by "adorable" I mean "hot". And by "hot" I mean HOLY CRAP LOOK AT HER CLEAVAGE.

I put it on my photos page and added the following tags to it: "Wife", "Candid", "Cats".

It got 2... maybe 3 hits in 6 hours.

So as a lark... just to "see" what would happen, I added three more tags to it: "Sexy", "Downblouse" and "Cleavage"...

In less than 24 hours the photo got 10,496 hits. HEY INTERNET! STAY CREEPY!

14- I'm almost done with this post.

15- ... ... ... ... done!

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