Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Day 3

Having 30 pounds of excess weight on you isn't pleasant at all. So we are trying the South Beach Diet. I am vehemently against fads and crap like this, but I am more against the expanding chunk of stomach that I seem to be cultivating.

The diet breaks down like this: don't eat gross stuff, don't eat bread, no potatoes, no pasta. If it looks 'carby', you can't eat it for the first two weeks. At all. No meatballs. No sausage. No ice cream. No bacon. NO SUGAR. No.

You CAN eat as much as you want of the other stuff. Eat 'till you are full. Stuff yourself with grilled chicken. And green veggies. And 'good' carbs, like cauliflower.

Worst of all... no booze.

So it's day three, over here in Losesomepoundagevania. I have consumed roughly 6 chicken breasts in 3 days. 6 hard-boiled eggs (dear GOD am I starting to loathe them). seven handfulls of nuts. 10 cherry tomatoes, and a garden of bunny food. I swear I have whiskers by now.

And water. 190 gallons of water.

The only thing I can really complain about is that today I feel tired and my head aches.

And dear fucking lord do I want a beer.

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