Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Social Work

Yesterday we were visited by our social worker. This was the famous "1st Home Visit" that takes place before the adoption. Lindsey comes to our place, sits down, and asks us a bunch of questions about our lives and our preparedness to raise a little Chinese takeout.

Here is a helpful list of things you shouldn't bring up in front of a social worker:

1- Your penchant for meth.

2- How most fights in your home are resolved by a visit from 'Mr. Knuckles'.

3- Your collection of celebrity offal.

4- The 'Real Doll' Room in your basement.

5- How you plan to vote for Nader.

6- The concept that most adoptions from China, or Asia in general, 'go sideways'.

7- When asked about how your sex life is, don't offer to show her.

8- Your obsession with meat sculpture.

9- The word 'pantaloons'.

Just a tip or two from someone who lived it.

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